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tv   The Young Turks With Cenk Uygur  Current  January 17, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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see petitions like bring back 3 ddoritos or consolidate the department of defense and the census bureau into a single department of kicking ass and listing names. and allow ron paul to the original constitution. it would would make the world a better place and petitions that make air tight cases out of confusing issues like when the petition to legalize chris tall weed says marijuana cigarettes gangsta easy he cream so baked thethe 420 how can you argue against that. and you can always sign my petition to lower the thresh threshold back to 25,000. i'm done talking now. >> jennifer: all right brett
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you only have 99 the thousand 999 to go. someone is always in our war room. check us out on "the war room"." you can link up to our twitter our facebook page and check out our exclusive web an extra. thank you for joining us on "the war room." we hope you have a great night. and we'll see you back tomorrow night. >> cenk: welcome to the "young turks." we've got an exclusive tonight. michael hastings to rahm emanuel about campaign finance and rahm emanuel loses its. here's a taste: >> cenk: i think there was an
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assault there. we're going to talk to michael hastings about that in a second. speaking of losing it, here we go genuine mean how many times with the republicans? there we go. oh oh, executive orders! we've got all that coming up for you. imaginary girlfriend? that's insanity. we'll talk about that, as well. finally, justice, looks like we might have gay marriage in illinois. we're going to bring you the person that is making that happen. >> we all know people who are truly loving people and their sexual persuasions, but here's what's at issue is changing the nature of marriage. if it's just a civil right the state can change it. this is a natural right. >> cenk: that's the guy, of course trying to prevent it, but he's about to lose. go time. [ ♪ theme ♪ ]
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>> cenk: it's the "young turks." ana kasparian later in the show we'll have the rest of the crew. everybody's here. now, amazing story for you guys. michael hastings has a new book coming out "panic 2012" the story of obama's final campaign. it goes through lot in the book but one of the interesting parts is his confrontation with rahm emanuel. he had been listening to a speech that rahm emanuel gave and ramm said this is off the record, this is off the record, as you're about to see. then they had a significant confrontation. that let's watch the first part of this, a recording that has not been aired anywhere else before.
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>> cenk: so michael hastings joins us now, of course a contributor to the "young turks," the buzz feed and the rolling stone. what was going down right there that we just heard on the tape? >> this was two days after president obama had been reelected. i attended a fundraising dinner for a private-public partnership at the ritz-carlton in chicago where mayor manual was giving a speech. there was 500 people or so.
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it was videotaped. in the lobby i approached him to ask a question. he immediately reacted by telling me that everything i just heard on the speech was off the record, i couldn't use, and then launched into a criticism obviously against rolling stone a very strange criticism for two reasons. first, i think in terms of what he said about general stanley mcchrystal that's factually untrue and calls into question president obama's decision when he decided to get rid of stanley mcchrystal. if you're looking at who got the worst end in the bargain, the white house general mcchrystal or rolling stone. the white house got pushed into a war in afghanistan because of what the general, you know, advocated, so that to me -- then the other thing he was talking about was this interview rolling stone with with president obama which was hugely favorable. i didn't know what he was
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talking about except it dawned on me, obama was quoted as saying romney was a and i probably can't say it on air. again, totally on the record thing. apparently that also offended mayor emanuel where he reacted quite strongly to my question. >> cenk: fascinating to me, because insight into how the media and government interplay i guess because michael, i mean, i would -- rahm emanuel does not react like this to every reporter. why would he to you? >> i thought about this a lot in the subsequent hours and days. one of the things, there's a number of sensitive topics that kind of hit him all at once. first was the fact that he had just lost this battle with the teacher's union and at this very ritzy, high color fundraiser bragging about how good he was at raising money from
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corporations. the second is the super pac funding. mayor emanuel was the co chair of the obama campaign until the end of august. then all of a sudden, he became a fund racer for priorities u.s.a. a super pac. we all know, are pretty familiar with the super pac law in that there should be no coordination between a campaign and super pac and here you have a major co chair going over to the other side without anyone sort of raising an eyebrow and then once he gets there, he makes all these phone calls and raises a bunch of money. i was never able to confirm how much he raised. i think that number we gave in the question was overblown, but that's what i thought at the time. and, you know, so he starts, so this is also a very sensitive subject. certainly, you know, you have obviously, he is very sensitive about clearly did not approve of president obama's decision to relieve stanley mcchrystal.
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>> i love the way you handled that, you know, exchange with him, because he is obviously very hostile toward you. even after that exchange, you keep pressing him to answer the question. let's go to the next video where you don't seem annoyed by him at all and you continued to ask him to answer your question: >> cenk: michael. >> he had just said that in the ballroom as a joke, i twisted these guy's arms, they had sore shoulders. that's what i was bringing up there. >> cenk: talk to me about what you were mentioning a while ago him, rahm emanuel going from the campaign to the super pac. for those people not familiar with how that works why is that
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an issue? >> the idea is that a super pac obviously has unregulated corporate money and campaigns are under campaign finance law have to follow very strict rules where the super pacs don't have strict rules. if a campaign can coordinate with a super pac that kind of violates the rules totally and makes a mockery of all sorts of campaign finance law us. the fact that, you know, the mayor and high appointee within the campaign can just jump over to be a major fundraiser for a super pac is a violation in the spirit of the law, whether or not there was any technicalities there that they world through is another question, but is a violation of the spirit of the law, as i said and was done after a meeting that rahm emanuel had with the campaign manager of obama for america. he had a meeting with the campaign manager next thing is on the super pac but there's no coordination apparently. >> cenk: of course not. so michael, the next part of
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the tape here has rahm emanuel getting very confrontational. in fact, he even grabs you. >> right. >> let's listen to it fits and then get your reaction. >> cenk: michael did he grab you there? >> yes. the reason that the conversation went south like that, and i'd never experienced anything like this in my career from an american public official.
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he grabbed me right before that exchange, he grabbed me by the arm and wouldn't let go while his bodyguards approached me, clearly trying to intimidate me with a threat of physical violence, and it was abusive. i don't mind being yelled at like verbally abusive fine, but i think the mayor and i made this point in an email to his staff clearly crossed the line by grabbing me. you know look, i've interviewed dictators, leaders politicians a lot of angry people, but none has ever laid a hand on me, security forces, bodyguards, that comes with the territory they're going to knock you out of the way but i was really quite surprised and to be honest, shocked by the fact that he would do that. what i saw in his eyes when he was doing this was he did not seem like a gentleman who was in full control of what he was
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doing. >> cenk: you know, michael you could have a case for assault if he grabbed you. did you consider that at all? >> i did. i was so -- i was pretty shocked by it i made a joke that there was no waaambulance for me to call. it was his city and i had a lot of work and reporting to do so couldn't get bogged down at the time. i felt the reason we were talking about this and important to be included in the book, it's a very revealing moment of mayor rahm emanuel. he is an obviously high profile public official, notorious for this kind of abusive bullying behavior and gets away with it again and again and again and rarely is there a record of it. the final irony is a few days later, his office was accused of secretly taping journalists conversations and interviews in violation of illinois law.
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so here he is, you know, saying everything i said in public is off the record, and making threats at a journalist while at the same time, you know, secretly tape recording other journalists. it was quite disturbing. >> cenk: all right michael hastings amazing story "panic 2012 -- is the book. thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> when we come back, the gunfight continues and republicans continue to say dumb things. >> gives us the right not only to bear arms but tells the government, the federal government not to create any laws that infringes on those rights. we will do everything we can to push back against that. before the sneeze, help protect with a spray. before the tissue, help defend with a wipe. before the cold & flu season help prevent with lysol. because when you have 10 times more protection
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>>ok, so there's wiggle room in the ten commandments, that's what you're saying. you would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. >>absolutely. >> and so would mitt romney. (vo) she's joy behar. >>and the best part is that current will let me say anything. what the hell were they thinking? >> cenk: we're back on "young turks." cenk michael anna. we're talking about gun control. you know what that means republicans are going to lose it. you know how that goes. michael tell us all about it. >> it's not just represents losing it. the president is operating apolitically looking at his record as a candidate now saying my candidacy i'm going to treat like the gun control issue. i'm going to treat it like a candidate. i'm going to run this legislation to the congress to the people like it's a candidate running for office. we've always said he's a much
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better candidate than a legislator. let's look now what was said about that. >> the president has the most exciting campaign apparatus ever built. it's time to turn that loose. >> right. >> it's time to turn that loose for something more than just an election. right? if the n.r.a.'s got a list, then obama for america has a bigger list. >> cenk: i like that. >> i love that line. >> cenk: him saying ok, you've got a list, you think you've got a list, you want to see a list. second of all we've been saying the president should make his case throughout his first term. here he is aggressively making his case. >> there's no politics for him here. he's not running for anything else. he can go out there speak to the people to the congress. of course then, there are the republicans. he has to run into the republicans, he has to run into the crazies. as helpful as the n.r.a. is when
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a president tries to restrict gun rights, it is just as helpful to the people like the brady campaign and people who are fighting guns when they see some of these crazy people like we see in marco rubio. >> does he really think banning assault weapons is going to stop mass murder? >> he believe that is, i think he believes in this and thinks this is huge. >> he's not a hypocrite he really believes his public policy. >> i think the president is not a believer in the second amendment, although states he is. the second amendment's in the constitution. i didn't write it, neither did you or he. if he doesn't want the second amendment to be in the constitution or wants to reform it, have the guts to admit that. >> cenk: these guys all i didn't write the constitution. oh really, you didn't? you look 131 didn't write the constitution. the sub stops of it, second amendment, it says a
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well-regulated militia. do you believe in it or not? if you don't have a well regulated militia, shut up about it. >> they completely ignore it. what obama is calling for is totally common sense. there's no question about it. first of all his executive orders are common sense. what's wrong with background checks? even the the vast majority of republicans in favor of background checks. you have the extreme right arguing he is violating the second amendment. no he's not. >> cenk: one last thing on the second amendment issue. at theat the time of the constitution and second alternate. the united states did not have an early. that's why you need the well regulated state militias. the original in tent was to make sure we have the militias. we now have kind of an army, so the whole idea that it's the same exact situation as when we had the second amendment put into the constitution is insanity. it's not even close to the truth. >> you know, and there's so many
quote quote
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ways to pick that argument apart when you look at savory, all the things they actually did amend because times have changed and that's exactly what happened and alluded to the fact that these are common sense. why aren't these common sense initiatives working? i bring you to texas and state representative steve toth. >> we insure that as texas we follow the united states constitution. if this government in tricks on our second amendment right giving us the right not only to bear articles but tells the federal government not to create any laws that infringes on those rights, we will do everything we can to push back against that. >> cenk: this is one of three lunatics across the country saying that we are not going to listen to federal law. so you've got representative joe carr in tennessee and wyoming state represent kendall kreker saying we are not going to
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listen to the federal laws, we're not going to listen to that. we are going to do whatever we want. >> that's one of the best accents i've ever heard. >> cenk: i remember that going down a couple of decades ago. how did that turn out for the south, tennessee and texas? >> it didn't work the way they thought. and again who is against background checks? who in america could be against background checks. >> is he actually against closing the gun show loopholes which i found fascinating. who is against that? >> cenk: it's the gun manufacturers. 40% of the sales of guns are in private sales with no background checks. law abiding citizens, 85% of us, including 85% of republicans say we should close the gun show loophole and do a background check every single time, but the n.r.a. does not represent law abiding sit accepts. they represent gun manufacturers
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who don't give audial who they sell the guns to. mexican gun cartels want the to buy our guns? great. >> it's not about guns. just listen to b10 to governor rick perry former candidate rick perry. this is a graphic. this is evil, there is evil prowling the world. >> let us pray. >> let us play. it's not the guns. it's that we're not praying enough. >> it's so stupid. >> cenk: what if i prayed harder that we have gun control. you didn't think about that! ok. i mean, what is this? you're the governor of the accident, not the prayer in chief, he says the laws are what secular people do. get out of the office. that's what you're supposed to do! you're the governor.
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we didn't elect you to be the imam of texas. >> it's not just a problem with republicans. the president has a problem with democrats getting through the senate. al franken from minnesota liberal senator said that he wasn't sure whether he was in favor of the assault weapons ban. i sent a tweet out: >> so, you know, and today after i did that, al franken it's got to be from our tweets said in fact he is infuser of in favor of the assault weapons ban. >> cenk: al franken is supposed to be one of the most
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progressive senators in the country, and even he is saying well, i'm undecided. if he says he's undecided how much chance does obama and biden have of passing it through the senate. >> that's where the politics comes back. all senators up for 2014, the politics is sometimes so much more powerful, it makes you think of term limits. you see how the president is going hard at some issues when he doesn't have to run again it would be nice to see some of these senators do the same thing. >> lawmakers in illinois are trying to pass same-sex marriage but the catholic church doesn't want to have anything to do with it. >> we're here because we want to make sure that this goes through this year. >> it's not fair and we deserve fairness and we deserve equality in this state. analysis. the presidential inauguration this monday morning
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at 10 eastern only on current tv.
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the natural energy of peanuts and delicious, soft caramel. to fill you up and keep you moving, whatever your moves. payday. fill up and go!
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>> welcome back to the "young turks." anna and chicago with you. lawmakers in illinois were set to vote on same-sex marriage but the session ended before they could do so. we have a reported on the martyr that explains it in more detail. >> the general assembly being urged by the president to legalize gay marriage in illinois. >> we're here because we want to make sure that this goes through this year. >> gay rights organizations rallied outside the thomson center saturday as lawmakers met inside to discuss pension reform. they encouraged the crowd to push the gay marriage bill to pass. the archdiocese of chicago is hoping lawmakers and residents think things through. this letter was given out to parishioners at holy name
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cathedral this morning. >> this is something that we've seen throughout the country. anytime state lawmakers set to vote on same-sex marriage, religion gets involved and you know the tune changes a little bit. cardinal francis george said the following of the. i'm sorry. we have a video of him saying that. let's take a look at that. we all know there are people he who are truly loving people of different school persuasions. changing the nature of marriage, if it's a civil right the state can change it. this is a natural right. >> now we have a guest on this matter illinois state senator heather stern. heather, state senator, thank you for joining us. we look forward to talking to you about this. >> cenk: great to have you
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heather. so you're the one who introduced this and we almost got a passen oh the last session. what went wrong there? >> we just ran out of time. we have a new session starting up and plan to go at this early in the session. we're back february 5 and i'm hoping to hear it soon thereafter. >> cenk: what do you think the chance of success are? >> i think they're great. people have come along. we passed civil unions two years ago. the discussions are very different. there's been a sea change of public opinion on this. every day we see more people starting what's fair under our laws in treating everyone the sail. it's encouraging and heartening. >> cenk: first of all whether gay marriage should be legal or not, we're finally at 53-46 and this number has moved dramatically since by the way
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1996, two thirds of american were opposed to gay marriage, now 47% in favor. religion 47% of the time is the reason people are against gay marriage. it's just all a way of saying that's what the bible says. how did we get past that? how do we get to a point where people stop saying i don't know, my preacher was telling me this, but maybe doesn't make any sense. >> i think it's important that this is civil marriage we are talking about. we're not changing the definition of religious marriage. we do think many religions will choose, we have close to 330 clergy indicating their support for same-sex marriage. some religions will choose not to do so. it's important to understand
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that this is civil marriage. churches can choose to do so or not. that's really important. we understand the religious freedom aspects as well. >> cenk: the catholic church is going to fight you so the question is given that the hand writing appears to be on the wall, how much are they fighting you and what do they try to do behind the scenes to try to make sure this doesn't pass? >> we're working with all of our colleagues. we've met and sat down with the catholic conference and we're highing to make sure that they feel comfortable that the protections are there so they will not have to solemnize same-sex marriages. they may never support the bill. i'm not sure they ever will and they'll do what they need to do. i think we have the public opinion on our side. i think even more folks i'm hearing from, even clicks here in illinois support it. the general population pretty much across the board support same-sex marriage now.
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i think what's really important is having those voices heard reaching out and contacting their state representatives and senators. i think that's what's happening. that's the feedback i'm getting from my colleagues, at least. >> cenk: why did you decide to champion this issue. >> there's a couple of reasons. one, i don't think it's fair to treat any class of folks as second class citizen approximates. we passed civil unions, but it's not the same. people grow up with these aspirations to get married. you fall in love and you understand dream of your wedding day. not allowing everyone access to that same institution is i think just totally morally unjust. there's also now i think timing's important now because the supreme court's going to be taking up the defense of marriage act. some folks think it may be getting overturned when they hear arguments in march and april. if that happens same sex couples able to marry will have access to all the federal benefits that come with marriage. civil union couples will not. that will be a real discrepancy that means a lot of economic
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hardship on families and protections that aren't there for the families in the same way. >> why do you think that aside from religious voters that the mentality toward same-sex marriage is changing among constituents? >> i think that it's -- i know my daughter, for example she's got three kids at least three kids in her class who have two parents of the same self. she can't possibly fathom why that family is treated differently than our family. people know our friends and you have so many relationships now you see in loving committed relationships have families that need the same protections as your own family. i think it becomes a less mysterious concern and factor when you see it and how much it is a string in our neighborhoods and communities to be actually supporting families. >> cenk: illinois state senator thank you for joining us.
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>> the death of an internet rebel. we have more on that story. >> in 2011, schwartz was arrested when he broke into mi.t. to download files. >> this case was weighing heavily on his mind and was a significant source of stress. (vo) connect with the young turks with cenk uygur. >> it's go time.
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>> the prosecutors in the aaron schwartz case are standing up for themselves saying their prosecution wasn't too harsh. cnn has more details into the story. >> with prosecutors pressing serious charges schwartz hanged himself friday. his lawyer said he doesn't know what put him over the edge, but the notion of prison time had him deeply worried.
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>> i know this case was weighing heavily on his mind and was a significant source of stress. >> he was indicted on charges of stealing academic articles from m.i.t. he could have gone to prison for 35 years along with a million dollar fine. >> the family put out a statement: >> cenk: that's strong language, but it gets even stronger at his funeral. his father said: very tough language indeed, but if my son had died in that same fashion my guess is that my anger would be equivalent to that, so we certainly feel their pain.
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let me bring in david segal executive director of demand progress, where they worked with aaron. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. glad to see you even if the circumstances are pretty terrible he. >> cenk: no question about that. well first tell us about what role aaron played in demand progress. >> he started the organization, i came onboard quickly thereafter, in the fall of 2010, and sort of right out of the box, we put forth a petition in opposition to the bill that eventually became sopa. it took off. we had a wonderful membership that cared about freedom issues and defined the course for the next couple of years. >> does anyone believe this is actually a terms of service breach, that this is the reason why, you know, federal officials went after him or is this more about the fact that he was an
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internet activist? >> it's hard for me to speak to. i think that he would love to think sometimes anyway, that he was subversive enough that people wanted to come after him. i don't think that was actually the case. i think that he knows that that wasn't actually the case. he was -- he -- it was a function of overzealous prosecutors who don't understand internet law trying to apply regulations that were construed for a different era trying to translate language that legislators probably didn't understand, even as they were -- even as they were writing the law to the internet arena. the prosecutorial establishment judicial establishment does understand understand internet law. they try to take things they do understand and project that on to the internet realm and do that unsuccessfully. they did that in this case.
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>> cenk: i don't think the government necessarily went after him because he was an internet activist. i do believe once they put him in the category of hacker in their mind, this is the thing we care most about my god, they can get access to information and if they do, that's something we can't control. you know, my sense of it is that the government gets far more vindictive in cases like that. i don't know what your take is on it, david. what do you think? >> i absolutely would agree with you. i think there's an increasing concern about activist information in this country creeping surveillance state in this country, and aaron stood against all of those things, just by virtue of his being and by virtue of the work that he chose to undertake over the course of his life, and i think there is increasing concern about those issues. we know definitively that prosecutorial resources in terms of funding and staff have been steered increasingly toward those issues. this is a function of that. it's a realm of the law that
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people, the prosecutorial establishment has been more and more attuned to in recent years. they're looking for reasons to jump that. they had don't necessarily understand the laws that are before them. they have no concept of what's going on and in aaron's mind, all the goodness in his heart he was someone who was a hacker, in the white hat sense trying to do things to make this world a better place in his work on line and in politics. you got to know him right cenk? >> cenk: i did. he was trying to use the money he made to do good in the world. prosecutors knew that, that he wasn't trying to poverty off of it. ana, they have a statement? >> they do:
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>> six months is ridiculous. for doing what he did spending six months even in a low security setting is unwarranted. because of the fact that m.i.t. allowed people to have access to j store all he did was access it a little to much. >> cenk: what do you think david? >> there are so many questions about what did or didn't actually happen. one thing that i was thinking about mentioning just in the bumper that you guys ran i know it wasn't your reporting, before this segment referred to his having broken into m.i.t. to do this work, and ford, m.i.t.'s
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campus clothing began is open minds, open campus. i mean, even that very much a contestable point and one that he and his attorneys were going to contest. the notion that he did anything wrong here is one that i would absolutely disagree with. the notion that under any circumstance he wanted to get rich off of peddling in academic articles most of which weren't accessed for decades is absurd on the face of it. there is so much wrong with this case, he was such a complex person, this relates to him in so many different interesting ways. we are trying to do right by him moving forward. >> cenk: david segal, thank you for joining us on the "young turks." we appreciate it. >> thanks very much. >> cenk: when we come back, another case that is really weird. now, aaron's case was tragic. when you turn to the notre dame
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player's case, wow that's just weird. wait until you see what he did with his imaginary girlfriend. >> love of my life. >> she was reportedly losing her battle with leukemia. his incredible loss to honor her playing instead of going to her funeral. analysis. the presidential inauguration this monday morning at 10 eastern only on current tv.
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>> cenk: we're back on the "young turks." we start with manti te'o. michael has more. >> guys and j.r., this is one of
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the most unbelievable stories i have ever heard. this guy, notre dame player has a girlfriend that inspired his season, but the girlfriend may not exist the girlfriend died, the girlfriend may not have ever lived. let's let nbc tell us more about it. >> the love of my life. >> that love supposedly losing her battle with leukemia. miss decision to play against michigan instead of going to her funeral. >> she had so many problems, and that you'll play and honor me. >> his performance on the field made him a front runner for the heisman trophy. it turns out the girlfriend homogamete on line, never had leukemia, never died, never existed. manti te'o said he was duped. >> the big question is whether he was duped or he was trying to do that people.
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>> uh-huh. >> he will talk more about whether it was his doing, but basically he is saying he was a victim and here is manti te'o again continuing with that and reaction from the school, notre dame. >> he said to realize that he was the victim of what was apparently someone's sick joke and constant lies was and is painful and humiliating. notre dame having conducted its own investigation believed him. >> this was a very elaborate very sophisticated hoax. >> cenk: not buying it. >> it's like when you see these officials from the school, you can't help but think of coach paterno had nothing to do with it. >>. he that that was a serious case. >> well, that's true. >> this guy he got caught up. i think it's a little bit of both, first of all.
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i think he got fooled. if you look at him, you see him talk about everything that's happening, you can tell he doesn't really think things through. [ laughter ] >> i mean, on espn, one reporter said they had a conversation with him and say he seemed child like and simple and that was his way of saying it. he got duped first. then when he found out said well, i feel like let's play this up for my own benefit. i think it's a little bit of both, let's push this to the end. >> his simpleness leads me to a different conclusion, that he came up with this and didn't think it through like hey at some point, people are going to figure out you didn't have that girlfriend, and that look, this is a part of the sickness of the media. every story has to be tragic. like in the olympics, oh, my god, his grandmother and the dog and someone in the same state died in the same week and he's still got a bronze! >> especially when it has to do with athletes, right.
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if an athlete does something, he's a linebacker and plays well. if he plays well, all of a sudden he's like this american hero and everyone needs to focus on him and oh, my god did you see how he played well after suffering these tragedies. people suffer tragedies every day and get no attention or credit for it at all. >> cenk: are we surprised that somebody manufactured one because that's what the press loves when it comes to sport. give me tragedy. he's up for the heisman, it's going to i am prove his chances. he came in second. listen to his quote here. he said i lost two women that i really loved had my football family around me, had my girlfriend's football family around me and at the end of the day, familles are forever. what? that's him saying it. come on, man. >> when sports illustrated interviewed him. they saidthey said he didn't know where she studied, where she's from, where she worked, didn't know the details of her death.
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all these things bring into question whether or not this is a real thing. some people think what could the reason possibly be? well amanda turkel tweeted out: >> cenk: that's harsh and i hadn't thought of that, right. >> it's not harsh. >> it's not harsh. >> it could just be true and sad, too. >> i love amanda, but there is so many other this is a common occurrence that happen to say regular people who around manti te'o and up for a heisman. people got fooled on line all the time. there is a new mtv show called catfish and it's someone who acts like they are on line. >> cenk: he said my girlfriend's football family and all that stuff as if they'd met. in another instance, he talked about how they had met and he looked into her eyes. he's lying. >> they probably met at a
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football game. >> that money from that account in nigeria. >> he went along with this to progress his career, think about it this way this is another layer i think people around seeing. s.i. projects his draft status in the nfl may drop because of this, one of i think is ridiculous. it has nothing to do with the fact -- >> cenk: here's the only way that makes sense. vince young had issues with like mental well being to be honest. he was a great great quarterback from the university of texas and he looked great in every way, but people were like man, he's got some issues, right. it turned out he flaked out in the nfl because of his mental issues. this dude's got mental issues making stuff like this up. >> he had past issues in the nfl. >> he's a good player on the field, that's not going to happen. >> cenk: i'd draft him don't get me wrong but i wouldn't
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want to -- look, the guy's mental, man to make that up about somebody who died and to be so stupid to think people wouldn't find out that's crazy. look we don't have time to tell the whole story but i can't. i got to jump in and tell you about this. the next story we had is about a guy, a worker, getting paid a couple hundred thousand dollars. they go into his computer and find out he's been outsourcing his own job but keeping the money. he outsourced somebody in china to do his work for us. genius. he paid 20% of his salary to guys in china slaving over it and stuff, and it turns out they did the best work in the office. come on! not guilty, right? >> not guilty. >> he's living the american dream. >> cenk: the american dream. outsourcing to china and keeping most of the money. i love how he filmed it on people. we'll be right back.
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